Committed to improving quality of life

Treviso Tissue Bank Foundation – ETS is a reference healthcare facility in the Veneto, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche and Autonomous Province of Trento Regions that collects, processes, preserves, distributes cardiac homografts, vascular segments, amniotic membrane and osteo-tendinous tissues, taken from deceased and living donors, certifying their suitability and safety.

How we operates

We operate with absolute respect for the donor’s wishes and with the utmost ethicality. Every step of the process is guided by principles that guarantee the utmost respect for the privacy and dignity of the donor


We work closely with medical institutions and research centres in order to maximise the impact of donations, directing them towards projects and research with real potential for improving medical care.


A feature of homologous tissues is that they can be preserved and their low immunogenicity allows thousands of transplants to be performed without subjecting the patient to immunosuppressive therapies. 
The overall objective of a tissue bank is to maintain the biological integrity of the tissue as much as possible in order to best adapt it for clinical use, and this involves a complex and highly specialised process.


Tissue donations in the first half of the year increased by + 25% compared to the same period in 2023, 689 donors, including multi-tissue and living, donated 2800 tissues.

How to request tissue

All the information to request a fabric including the form to fill out. After receiving your form, our team will proceed with an initial assessment and contact you.

or Login for download the tariff schedule.


Segnalazioni Donazioni Multitessuto
Reperibilità Urgenze
dalle 16:30 alle 8:00